Star Rain is a sound installation.
Star Rain was recorded in empty, deserted places, when the crowd has left, and the high season is over: on a winter beach, side alley of bazar, in tunnel underneath a busy road. One can hear people, but see nobody. And just now they were here!
Under the Star Rain, one can sit on a rocking chair, and ponder, what it is like to be there, when one is there, still.
I’ve worked with architect Kari Sivonen earlier too. We’ve made sound sculptures Haloo!, Ear Channel and Cloud’s Nest to Pori Art Museum and Korkeaoja Concept Summer (2014), and sound installation Year to Rikhardinkatu library in Helsinki (2011) and Finnish Institute in Stockholm (2013). They all created a human size space to stop and listen to the stream of thoughts. Star Rain continues on this same path, but is more hopeful, for some reason – there is place for two there. And there is a living plant. A person must not be alone. Gallery Lapinlahti, Helsinki, 07–08/17.
Photo: Kari Sivonen