I have translated prose, poetry and plays from Hungarian, Modern Greek and English.
György Faludy: My happy days in hell
Hungarian poet’s autobiographical novel about his years as refugee and prisoner on 1938-53. Hope won’t die ever! Palladium Kirjat 2014.
Endre Szkárosi’s and Tamás Kettös’ poetry
I translated some poems by these fellows for the Finno-Ugric Poetry Slam, that was held in Helsinki in October, 2009.
Ákos Szilágyi’s poetry
Hungarian poet, Ákos Szilágyi, writes funny poetry. I translated some in 2004-2005; they remain unpublished. But we performed a few poems with Ákos at Helsinki Festival in August, 2008.
Sándor Vály: Erään maalarin merkintöjä 2000-2005
(A painter’s remarks) A Hungarian artist’s diary. Palladium Kirjat 2008.
Kourallinen valoa
For this anthology of modern Greek poetry I translated poems by two poets, classic Angelos Sikelianos and still living Maria Laina.
Näkymätön ja näkyvä – nykykreikkalaisia novelleja
For this anthology of modern Greek short stories I have translated stories by two writers, Alexandros Papadiamantis and Marios Hakkas.
Theo Angelopoulos: Ikuisuus ja päivä
Film translation. Senso Films 2000
Sándor Tar: Harmaa kyyhky
(Gray Pigeon) A thriller like a spiral – Hungary today.
Sándor Tar: Meidän katumme
(Our Street) Stories of people living along a back street of a not so remarkable town. Coming out soon from Taifuuni.
Sándor Vály: Talazüek Ob uzuk / Nekropolis
Finland-based Hungarian artist Vóly’s fictive study on ancient people of Talazüek: anthropology, cultural study and ethnology.
Sándor Vály: Cosmic daybook
Poems. Apokrif 2002.
Béla Hamvas: Viinin filosofia
(The Philosophy of Wine) This book written by a Hungarian intellect in 1945 is divided into three parts: metaphysics of wine, wine as a part of nature and rituals of wine.
George Tabori: Juhlavuosi
Play, premiere in the Espoo Theatre in March 1995.
Kocsák-Miklós-Pinczés-Móricz: Se on elämää Misi
Play, premiere in the Jyväskylä City Theatre in April 1994.
György Schwajda: Hymni
Play, 1993.