Kann/Valkeapää is dancer Kaja Kann’s and vocal artist Juha Valkeapää’s duo that performs at Lokaals all around the world.
Artist-researcher Tero Nauha writes: “The stage for the performance is signified with a simple illuminated sign and a common setup familiar from the corner of a local pub: few microphones, guitars and amplifiers. The structure of the piece is based on songs, also. That’s where the common factors end. Namely, ‘In the Lokaal tonight’ is not based on representing something, nor in some effort to convince audience on the authenticity of lyrics or skill of the performer; nor is it based on some vague reciprocal relationship between audience and performer. It seem rather, that the performance is in some serious undertaking of collapse on its way to embarassing moment of silence; yet, Kann and Valkeapää are guiding this assembly forwards with peculiar and crude buoyancy. ‘In the Lokaal tonight: Kann/Valkeapää’ is a performance as fresh and true as no-wave punk; as blatantly experimental as live art at its best.”
Premiere at Uus tants 9 festival, baar Juuksur, Tallinn, 19 March, 2009. Next appearances: Juuksur 03-04/09; Kokoteatteri, Helsinki 04/09; Genialistide klubi, Tartu 05/09; Sulattofestivaali, Karkkila, 07/09; Manifesti Festival, Turku, 09/09; Sidestep Festival, Helsinki, 02/10.
”Äärmiselt nauditav oli muusiku ja tantsija koostöö, nende teineteise tunnetamine ja teineteisega arvestamine. Liikumis- ja helikeel olid võrdväärsed partnerid. Lood sündisid keha ja helide vahelises ’kahekõnes’.” Evelin Lagle ja Leenu Nigu, Teater Muusika Kino, 08/2009
Photo: Evert Palmets