Kiven napa (‘stone’s navel or pole’, Kivennapa is a small village in Southern Carelia, Russia) was a Valtimonteatteri production written and directed by Hanna Kirjavainen. The premiere was on 26 November, 2003 at Alppisali, Helsinki. The founding principle for the sound design was “we do everything ourselves, alive & unplugged”. The play’s world is in pieces, smashed. I wanted the instruments to be un-instruments, everyday objects, characters’ important things; the instruments would make an organic part of the scenery, and the actors would make a band, that would be under continuous transformation during the performance. We searched for the band spirit and the listening mood with couple of impro sessions that were meant only for playing together. But just playing together and playing when acting are two different things. In the performance situation the excitement covers the listening very easily. Happily, the performance bubbled with joy.